Slow Down or Speed up Recording in Cubase

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Member Since: May 23, 2003

I want to try out some old Beatles/George Martin technique were you record the rhythm track at a slower or faster (in their time tape) speed, and then recording the vocals at the normal speed. I cant seem to get Cubase to do this. Does anybody know how to pull this off? Also, how can I get my delay pedal to come through just my headphones on a vocal track to aid my performance. I have it going from mic -> preamp -> mixer -> M audio 2496 -> Cubase.

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...bringing sexy back
Since: Jul 01, 2002

Nov 03, 2003 07:05 am

like which song? i dont know how to do it, to be honest, but im curious as to which tracks youre thinking of...sounds cool!

someone'll know about this, but i havent used cubase for AGES!

Since: Sep 09, 2002

Nov 03, 2003 09:17 am

dones't cubase have some sort of wave editing involved? i've never used it so i couldn't say, but all you need is something to time stretch your tracks. it might add some unwanted artifacts from the resampling. you could be oldschool about it and just record your rhythm track to a regular cassette tape and then playing it back into the computer while pressing against it to slow it down. I actually know some people online who like to send their drum tracks to cassette just to get that warm and dirty lofi sound.

as for adding the delay just to the playback and not the recording, first tell me how you're monitoring with that setup. are your headphones plugged into the mixer or the audiophile or what?

you might just be able to insert the pedal somewhere between the headphones and the headphones pre.

...bringing sexy back
Since: Jul 01, 2002

Nov 03, 2003 09:55 am

ahhh, yeah, you need to set up an extrnal wave editor in the options somewhere...cant remember exactly where, but thats how its dnoe anyways...

then, when youve got a wave editor set up, i think you double click on the wave in cubase to launch the external app...

Since: May 23, 2003

Nov 03, 2003 11:51 am

The song I know for sure to have been created with this effect are "Rain", where the rythym track was played at a faster tempo in G,then slowed down on playback to normal speed (50 cps). Then John Lennon would record his first vocal track at a slower recording speed (42 cps) then sped back up to normal again with the rythym track sounding now more like it was in the key of F. Lennons vocal would now have the effect of sounding younger, something he would continue throughout his recording career.

The only wave editor I can think of in Cubase is the track view when you double click on track to zoom in on it. Would Wavelab be able to slow or speed up tracks from within Cubase?

As for the delay question, I monitor my mix via mixer to headphones.

...bringing sexy back
Since: Jul 01, 2002

Nov 03, 2003 11:57 am

im gonna have to dig out my cds and have a listen to that...sounds cool!

i think wavelab can do it up on its own and give it a shot!

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