Latest Creation - Instrumental

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Tim the Enchanter
Member Since: Feb 17, 2008

Here is my lastest song. It's a short song I put together on my acoustic. Feedback/Critique is welcome. It's called Amethyst Sunrise.


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Since: Nov 27, 2007

Nov 26, 2010 05:33 pm

be back in after work to listen Red.
Since: Nov 27, 2007

Nov 28, 2010 06:26 pm

not bad man. Its different. reminds me of a movie theme.
Just my opinion, but it may need some sort of reference point every now and then in there to keep the listener current with the timing.
Maybe a triangle "ting" here and a guitar "strum" there. maybe just 2 or 3 of these in the whole song max, or it would wreck that whole dynamic feel you got going there.

But i like where its going, its kinda abstract, and that what's been missing in my music lately, and is why i think i get bored and need a break from it.

I think maybe you have made me realise something just now.

Tim the Enchanter
Since: Feb 17, 2008

Nov 29, 2010 08:15 pm

Thanks man. I know what you mean about needing to take a break. I didn't even pick up my guitar for about a month or two until I recorded this. I was having a difficult time coming up with any riffs that I liked so I just had to step away for a little bit.

I tried to keep this one pretty simple. I get tired of spending several months on the same song. I just tried to keep it interesting by adding the whole dynamic feel. It did turn out a lot different from anything else I've written.
Since: Nov 27, 2007

Nov 30, 2010 04:52 am

Cool man, yeah, same song all the time is errr-ghhh, not again sorta thing.

Object is, is to learn from yourself, what makes a good song "youve" done, and what makes an average, to **** one too
so you can write it in a day or 2, record it, mix it, and done in a week tops.
Otherwise like you say, it becomes a chore.
My problem is, to know when enough's enough. Its hard for my personality to learn this but i think im getting ontop of it.

That and im just plain not spending too much time anymore on songs, it just a bore.
Time to take it up a notch, or just let the whole thing go.

The journey for me is the music, certainly no journey happening when youre stuck on the same song 4 weeks down the track eh?

Since: Dec 20, 2010

Dec 21, 2010 09:34 am

Dug this! I like the build up you do and then back to chilling it out. Makes it thought provoking.

Good job!

Tim the Enchanter
Since: Feb 17, 2008

Dec 22, 2010 07:37 pm

Thanks, I appreciate it!

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