Fining low-pants wearing kids

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Administrator Since: Apr 03, 2002

Now, while I do think this low-hanging baggy pants trend does look incredibly stupid, fining people for it or worse yet going to jail, meets it with equal stupidity.

The only exception I see is if you *** is hanging out, yeah, then it could be construed as indecent exposure, I can see that, but if it's just boxers hanging out, whats the actual crime? I mean, besides looking like an idiot? Being an idiot isn't a crime...

That said, I'd LOVE to see someone wearing those pants try to run from a cop.

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Since: Aug 13, 2005

Sep 17, 2007 10:34 am

Yeah it would be like chasing a penguin.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Sep 17, 2007 10:58 am

When I worked on Nicollet Mall on Minneapolis (large mostly pedestrian street downtown) I watched it happen once, super damn funny...the kid was working as hard at holding his pants up as he was at running...didn't get far...

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Sep 17, 2007 03:58 pm

Oh my!!!

Racial profiling they say!!!! I'm laughing already. It isn't just friggin black kids, its all nationalities. The white kids in Tunas school do it all the time. dB can tell you even Tuna does that crap, and yes it pisses me off. I don't want to be looking at some kids drawers hanging out.

But on the other hand, is it really any different then the low cut jeans girls, and some guys wore in the late 60's and early 70's?? Not not really. But then there was not any but crack or drawers hanging out either.

As for the running thing. Yes it is an absolute riot to watch em run with their pants down around their knee's. The boyz and I have watched it a few times going on when kids are running for what ever reason. One hand swinging as they run, the other holding onto their pants trying to get em up so they can run.

Penguin like, yes indeed. But it is more fun to watch em simply trip and bust open the faces when they loose control.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Sep 17, 2007 04:01 pm

Yes, it is different as those pants, and many lowriders were generally tight fitting, snug and the "hip" of the pants were still around the hip on the body, it was just a lower waistline, today, it's just...stupid.

I've seen Tuna were lowriders, but not NEARLY as stupidly as a lot of the kids...I mean I have seen kids that literally have there waist line at about crotch level, it's madness I tells ya!

Ne'er ate 'er
Since: Apr 05, 2006

Sep 17, 2007 04:21 pm

Crotch level? Some have the waistband as low as the knees. How do these kids even manage to walk at all?

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Sep 17, 2007 04:31 pm

Yeah, I was being generous, they get lower, I don't get it...and if coolo comes in here and says "low slung pants are the new long hair" I am going to fly to the left coast and push him down...


Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

Sep 17, 2007 05:51 pm

Yeah it would be like chasing a penguin.


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