Joke of the day:

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Administrator Since: Apr 03, 2002

Two cannibals were eating a clown, one cannibal looks at the other and says "Does this taste funny to you?"

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The fat one always watches us.
Since: Nov 08, 2002

Nov 22, 2002 02:23 pm

2 blondes are on oppisite sides of a lake.
one blonde says "how do you get to the other side?"
the other blonde says "you are on the other side"

The fat one always watches us.
Since: Nov 08, 2002

Nov 23, 2002 08:14 am

2 blondes are going down highway 95 on thier way to disney world. they go through southcarolina georga and pass into flordia. in a few hours they see a sign that says "disney, left"
so they turned around and went home.......

Since: Sep 09, 2002

Nov 23, 2002 02:14 pm

two members of some other recording community were walking thru the woods when they came upon some tracks. one user said they were drum tracks while the other swore they were guitars tracks. they were still argueing when the train hit 'em.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Nov 23, 2002 02:22 pm

Bwahahahahahahaha, dude, that's funny. :-)

Cone Poker
Since: Apr 07, 2002

Nov 23, 2002 02:23 pm

So there I was sitting with Moby, and I offered him a real instrument to see what he could do... and then he picked it up and looked at me asking what it was. hahaha, isn't that funny? No seriously I don't know, i'm horrible at jokes.. uh hows this one:

So a guy goes into a bar and he starts hearing people tell him how nice he looks and stuff, but only he and the bartender are there, so he asks the bartender who's telling him these things and the bartender replies "The peanuts, they're complimentory..."

yeah.. those are bad jokes, i'll shut up now

Since: Sep 09, 2002

Nov 23, 2002 02:28 pm

whoa dude... i *just* read that same joke in a Playboy last week. It was the issue with the big scarey chick. What's her name, with too much testosterone... wierd! -j

Cone Poker
Since: Apr 07, 2002

Nov 24, 2002 05:18 pm

playboy was making fun of moby? *stupid grin*

The fat one always watches us.
Since: Nov 08, 2002

Nov 25, 2002 03:03 pm

the following is true: my wife and i are outside in pa in the summer. she says whats that funny ratchet like noise. i said that's the 17 year locust. she said why do they call it that. i said cause they bury themselves below the frost line in the ground for 17 years then come out to mate. she says-how come i hear them every year then? i said- they're not all on the same schedule.......
its true. guess you had to be there

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Nov 30, 2002 07:49 pm

tony. i am taking a entomology course and we have studied such insects i.e. 17 year locust. and jerusalem cricket.

anyway here is my contribution to the joke of the day.

Why did the big bad wolf use a compressor set at 12:1 ratio?

because he wanted to hear HUFFING AND PUFFING!!

AHahahahaha. ok that was not funny, but original!!

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Dec 01, 2002 06:27 am

actually, dude, that was mildly amusing :-)

The fat one always watches us.
Since: Nov 08, 2002

Dec 05, 2002 07:07 am

Lesbian dinosaur?

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Dec 11, 2002 07:32 am

What is always a red-neck's last words:

"Hey, guys, check this out!"

The fat one always watches us.
Since: Nov 08, 2002

Dec 11, 2002 08:00 am

what do you get when you cross a rhino and an elephant?


Since: Sep 09, 2002

Dec 11, 2002 01:04 pm

y'all know the difference between a northern fairytale and southern fairytale?

a northern fairytale starts off "Once upon a time..."

a southern fairytale starts off "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s#&t.."

The fat one always watches us.
Since: Nov 08, 2002

Dec 11, 2002 06:15 pm

This is Tony D's wife....this is a true story but funny!
It was Christmas and I was at a store and saw some "door wrap". I asked Tony "What the hell is that for? Don't ever give me a door for Christmas honey."
Now I know what door wrap is really for!

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Dec 11, 2002 06:20 pm

Bwahahahahahahaha, that's funny.

I have a good true life joke you just popped out of my memory banks:

When my wife and I were getting married we had some issues with the Wisconsin Synod Lutheran church ceremony and their unwillingness to flex. When we were telling my wife's maid of honor and good friend (who is, God bless her, not that bright) about the issues she looked at my wife-to-be totally serious and said "Well, you just tell him your not from Wisconsin!"


Hey, Tony, ya better bring that door back to Home Depot now... :-)

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