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Contributor Since: Apr 03, 2002

i know we all struggle with finding release and ways to draw from things that inspire us.

musicially, i can always find ways to write music to express what i feel.. but in the lyrical section, i feel that i have a hard time drawing on the emotion and to get it into my music. its there in my mind and on paper, but have a hard time conveying it to the recording.

the question i have.. what do each of you do to help this?

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Since: Apr 03, 2002

Sep 04, 2002 05:15 am

If I am having a hard time getting the sound across, I generally wait until I am in a certain mood to do it, if it is a sad, depressing song I wait until I am in a bad mood to work on it, and vice-versa.

Quite often I have found when I am in a downer mood I tend to work slower and willing to try more wacked out things, therefore end up getting better results because I am not feeling "rushed".

SM7b the Chuck Noris of Mic's
Since: Jun 20, 2002

Sep 04, 2002 12:24 pm

I'd have to agree with DB , the best writting I've done was in advers situations , I'm not saying got the middle east to write but hay it helped me , hahaha. The thing is with me , when you want to write you can't always do it , it just pops up out of the blue and bites you in the @#! . Since my music is more tward darker emotions and such , I kinda do the bad pych thing and dig up old memories or bad experianses and that does the trick.

Czar of Midi
Since: Apr 04, 2002

Sep 04, 2002 09:10 pm

I have generally been very fortunate in the past to convey emotion via the sound's I created on my synth's, or guitar's. They in-turn would help me to find the more piece's of the music. When I would hit a dead end, I simply looked for another sound, or effect to trigger more emotion.

I have recently had a probelm with to much emotion blocking the creative process. Everything I play lately seem's to be very dark and depressing. I relate that to the current situation's in my life. On the upside I have discovered a very happy side I have not felt in a very long time. But on the darker side, I am facing emotion's and thing's I had not planned on being in my life. The music come's easy, but the word's just cannot be found. I geuss that's why most of my stuff is very instrumental.

Since: Apr 03, 2002

Sep 05, 2002 05:15 am

sometimes instruments say more than any words ever can.

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