Help with fruity loops and Sonar

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Member Since: Mar 08, 2004

I have both Fruity loops and Sonar 3 producer. I need help getting them to work side by side.

How can you rewire device to work along side. Right now I have to export my project as Wav. file and then import to sonar. Thats a pain. I want to be able to have each track of Fruity to be it's own track in Sonar. Is there anyway to do this.

By the way I am pretty goofy with MIDI and things of the nature so please bear with me if I don't understand at first.

Thanx ahead of time.

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Since: May 15, 2004

Dec 22, 2004 07:11 pm


I'm not sure about rewiring but this is the most painless way of doing it for me.

In Fruity Loops;

Make sure you choose "song" and not "pattern" before mixdown.

1. FILE>SAVE your project.
2. FILE>EXPORT>WAVE FILE.Choose destination and name of the *.wav file. Press SAVE.
3. Then a box will come out with title "Rendering to *.wav". Here, in the OPTIONS box, you have to tick the "split the mixer tracks".
4.Press GO.

After 100% completion of rendering, the .wav files are ready in your chosen destination folder. All the separate tracks from fruity will present as separate .wav files in the folder including an extra track which is the master track itself.

Next, I assume you know how to import all the files as different tracks in SONAR 3.

Good luck Chrisg. I'm sorry for the late respond.


Since: Mar 08, 2004

Dec 22, 2004 07:34 pm

Thanx for the response. I was starting to think nobody used FL.

I can use Sonar pretty well. I got all the ends and outs of it down but it's Fruity that I'm having to learn.

Thanx alot for your help

Since: May 15, 2004

Dec 22, 2004 07:46 pm

Hey Chisg .. no probs. I use FL quite a lot especially when doing drums and strings. I used to split the tracks and further tweaking them in SONAR but not anymore as I found it too much hassle. Easier for me to mix in FL the get a ready one track in SONAR so later I will just play with reverbs only.


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