Using A Limiter

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Marijuana Czar
Member Since: Oct 01, 2009

I've been using Fruity Limiter to keep the dB of my instrument around 14dB by using it's "cell" knob to set the peak limit, and it's "gain" knob to bring up the volume so the lowest volume the comes through is limited to at least 16dB. so theres 2dB worth of "volume space" i guess you could call it.

WTF am I doing here? Is this a good thing to do to keep the volume of my instrument at a certain level no matter how i play?(softly, hardly).

Also, what limiter do you use? if any

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MASSIVE Mastering, LLC
Since: Aug 05, 2008

May 25, 2011 08:48 am

I almost never use limiters during mixing. Certainly never a "brick-wall" unit, maybe an occasional traditional limiter (a compressor set at 4 or 5:1 or higher, although some will say it's not a "limiter" until it's at 10:1, but 4:1 is a pretty ridiculously limiting ratio) on a snare or what not, but only if it's really necessary for the mix.

Side-noting: I'm assuming you're not talking about using them during tracking - at which point it really wouldn't be doing anything anyway (except allowing your front end to overload).

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