2 tracks from 1 performance

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Member Since: Aug 13, 2006

Howdy all...
I had an idea of running a line from 1 of my speaker outs on my Marshall direct into a Firepod, and also Micing the Amp running to another channel on my Firepod, effectively recording 2 tracks from 1 performance that I am thinking would sound slightly different from each other being that one is going direct from the head and the other is being recorded thru a Mic in front of the cabinet. Would this work??
Ultimately I wanted to do 1 track with Mic'ed cabinet and 1 track going straight out from an RP100, again 2 tracks from 1 performance, so I don't have to go back and do 2 different performances, but I get a different sound on each track. How could this be done??

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Prince CZAR-ming
Since: Apr 08, 2004

Mar 22, 2007 02:09 pm

Danger! Danger!

Don't be using that speaker out for anything but speakers. Speaker outs are sending a lot of wattage, which mic inputs are not designed to see.

You'll let all the magic smoke out of them transistors, and that would be bad.

For this, you'd want a line out, or something similar from the marshall. At most, you can work with line level. You can work with less, but speaker level will certainly fry things.

Not knowing what amp you're working with, try for a line out, or a preamp out. Some Marshalls have a emulated speaker out, which would work, as this will be line level. That would be your first choice.

It certainly is done, alot, so you're in a good direction. The line level signal would go into a line input on the firepod. Don't try to convert the cable over to an XLR, as the xlr input wants a lot less than the line level, so again, seeing magic smoke time. Not good.

I'm not sure where the RP100 fits in, I'm assuming before the marshall. If so, then you can tap output from the RP100, but you probably won't like it. If you're plugging the RP100 into the marshall input, then try for the emulated speaker out, or line out, if there's one provided.

Prince CZAR-ming
Since: Apr 08, 2004

Mar 22, 2007 02:13 pm

To go further, multiple mics, plus a direct feed is a good idea. You've got the inputs, so you might as well use them. You can always delete them if they're not usable.

Use 1 sm57 on the grill, then a ldc back a couple feet. Place the mic appropriately, to keep the phase inline, but you'd then have 3 tracks to play with.

Blend them together, getting the best of each one, or pan them around, and automate volumes to get different sounds at different times of the song.

Also, you can nudge the tracks a little in your software, if the phase isn't quite perfect. This can line them back up. At least I think you can, I haven't actually done it yet =/.

Lots of options when you have lots of tracks =).

Since: Aug 13, 2006

Mar 22, 2007 02:54 pm

Thanks for the warning. I know I have a Headphones out, which would do no good as then the Amp goes quiet, I will have to check for a LIne out. Thanks for info

Since: Aug 13, 2006

Mar 23, 2007 08:34 am

My amp did have the Emulated Line Out and it works great. Thanks again.

Prince CZAR-ming
Since: Apr 08, 2004

Mar 23, 2007 09:50 am

Great. That's the ticket!

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