Do you ever use Chorus FX or just record multiple takes?

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Music Afficionado
Member Since: Aug 12, 2008

Was listening to something on the radio today and for some reason thought it was more of a product of using a Chorus effect, rather than multiple takes (probably wrong). Anyway, got me thinking that I very rarely take advantage of these features on my plug-ins (Waves, T-Racks, Isotope, Masterworks, etc.).

Just curious to know if any of you use a Chorus effect on your vocal recordings and if so, which ones?

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MASSIVE Mastering, LLC
Since: Aug 05, 2008

Sep 23, 2011 08:42 pm

(A) Both (multiple takes, modulative effects).

(B) It's more typically the settings than the plug itself (on most modulative effects, "this much" delay along with "this much" depth and "this much" feedback with "this much" modulation is going to give you "this sound" -- of course, some are different than others, some have a somewhat different character, etc. - Just like compressors and EQ's). And those settings are (as usual) the setting you need to get you the sound you want.

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