I think my cat just told me to get a job...

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Eat Spam before it eats YOU!!!
Member Since: May 11, 2002

sadly I am not making this up...

I was cooking lunch while pondering what I'm going to sdo once landscaping ends in a couple weeks... Muffy, the cat, was outside... I hear a Meow at the door... which is odd because normally she knocks when she wants in... so I open the door and there she sits with a chipmunk stuffed in her mouth... of course before I could close the door she bolts in and runs down stairs to where my computer is. I chase her down and see her plop the still alive chipmunk down right next to my computer chair. The chipmunk is in shock so fortunatly it doesn't go anywhere... but Muffy just looks at me like it's my problem now... so I grab a sock to use as a glove to pick up the chipmunk and Muffy just looks at me like "what the hell are you doing? " I grab the chipmunk and take it back outside... with muffy intow... I set it down and hope muffy decieds to eat it but she just gives me another look like "Thats not how you do it, stupid." and she pounces on it, tosses it around a bit and then kindly gives it back to me.. by trying to put it in a shoe outside the door. Fortunatly she misses and I don't have to dig it out... and I then go back inside and leve her with her teaching aid... I think she's sooo dissappointed in me now...

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Hold 'Em Czar
Since: Dec 30, 2004

Sep 11, 2006 11:14 am

lol a pussy named muffy!! i love it!

she's actually givin' you a gift, it's a token of love....if you really wanna bond with the cat, kill the chipmunk with your bare hands and eat it right infront of her, or share it...this will show appreciation and maybe she'll learn to go to mcdonalds for ya soon.

you did hurt her a bit by not enjoyin' the gift...she'll hafta deal with it i guess.

Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

Sep 11, 2006 12:06 pm

I had a cat in England (huge mini-panther...) who would sit on the roof and wait for birds to fly past, then jump six feet into the air vertically, and catch them. Then he'd bring them to me as a gift/offering. As soon as he let go of the wing, they'd fly around my flat. Great. Thank you, cat. Very nice of you cat...now I gotta get this pigeon out of here....

Now my next-door-neighbour's cat brings me enviscerated gophers, and rats. er...Thank you, cat. Very nice of you, cat....I'll go get a shovel....Thank you for not dropping it on today's newspaper....

It's all very nice of them, and very er....sweet, but these opposable thumbs mean I've moved on from 'prey'.

Quote: ...if you really wanna bond with the cat, kill the chipmunk with your bare hands and eat it right infront of her, or share it.

<cleaning coffee from monitor>

Since: Feb 07, 2005

Sep 11, 2006 12:39 pm

We have two cats and I must say that every morning I wake up expecting to see that special gift. One morning our bathroom was covered in feathers from top to bottom (oh what fun that one must have been). Found a mouse beside my bed one morning. Usually we hear them tossing/playing with a half dead mouse and have to interupt the fun. I know, party pooper - lol

Now if only they will catch the f'ing mole that keeps diggin' up our yard!

Cone Poker
Since: Apr 07, 2002

Sep 11, 2006 04:34 pm

my cat has never brought me a gift. I feel so unloved.

Since: Jun 08, 2006

Sep 11, 2006 07:34 pm

Don't. Better to feel unloved than choking back vomit as you pick up the fresh guts.

Since: Jan 18, 2003

Sep 12, 2006 01:56 am

one time my gf's dog hid a half-eaten chicken leg in the couch and brought it to her when she was sick and lying on that couch. gave it to her to make her feel better.

that was pretty cute.

dogs almost have the right idea. they just dont have a concept of 'garbage.' which raises a question:

a few months ago i took a swig of a beer, accidentally, which had been sitting out open in the garage all night and all day. a florida day, hot and humid. wrong beer. the cold one was next to it. i spat it out and my stomach became mildly upset. and i started thinking about 'the moment at which something definitely becomes garbage.'

there must be such a moment, but i don't know when it is.

Answer:On a good day, lipstick.
Since: Jun 24, 2004

Sep 12, 2006 09:49 am

To dogs, the moment something becomes garbage is the moment it hits the floor. All the better if you can roll around in it, and pick up it's lovely aroma.

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